Terms & Conditions

In our terms and conditions, we will try to provide you with the meaning of various terms to be used throughout this article. Besides, we will provide the definitions or meaning of the terms that will be used herein.

Additional Agreement

This term refers to an agreement, which binds by law when a consumer agrees to order, pay, and receives a product or service from as website and agrees to receive them while the user lives or expects then in their faraway place.

For the product or the service to reach the user, the user agrees that a third party would be involved. As such, the third party may obtain certain information from the user that may help in the smooth transportation and delivery of the said product or service.

Reflection Period

This is a period of leverage in which a consumer is at liberty to withdraw an order.


This refers to the actual person or user who makes an order of a product or service. As such, the consumer is the designated person who is destined to receive the ordered product or service and agrees to take part in the trade, which involves making of payment and the actual receiving of the product or service ordered earlier.


This is a calendar day that takes 24 hours.

Digital Content

This refers to a product or data that is produced and delivered to the user through a digital format.

Continuing Performance Contract

A binding contract, usually known by the two parties (the buyer and the seller) that lasts for the period of time until the product or service reaches the intended buyer or user.

Sustainable Data Carrier

The term refers to the viable means of communication that carries the information pertaining to the contract that is binding. It is intended that the information carried through the various viable means will help in the current business transaction.

In addition, sustainable data carriers can also be used as a means of reference in case the client may want to make further orders or consultation. The information stored in the various sustainable data carriers that include emails will not in any way be shared to any other person including third parties unless they are part of the transaction.

Right of Withdrawal

The consumer’s freedom and right to opt out of the distance agreement as long as the cooling-off-period.

In the event you want to withdraw, send a message to:


Postbus 44

1398ZG Muiden

The Netherlands

[email protected]


In the email, explain vividly but in short why you have withdrawn. You may decide to use the following email as an excerpt:

I/We hereby inform you that I/we wish to revoke our agreement on the sale of the following products: [specify the product].

Also, include

Order Date;

Order ID number;

Consumer Name;

Consumer Address;

Finish by signing.

Distance Contract

This refers to the contract that is concluded between the seller or entrepreneur and the user or consumer within the specified and agreed time. The term also includes the various viable means in which communication between the entrepreneur and the user talk and agrees on the modalities that lead to the user receiving the product or service.

Exclusive or otherwise additional use of various means of communication can be used as long as the aim is to ensure the product or service reaches the end user.

Standard Form For Withdrawal (SFFW)

The term refers to the standard form of withdrawal that is used across European countries. The standard form uses among other things Appendix 1 Technology that is used for those who do business for long distances.

Thanks to the SFFW, the entrepreneur or seller do not have to meet with the user or the buyer of the ordered product or service.

Entrepreneur’s Identity


Postbus 44

1398ZG Muiden

The Netherlands

Customer Support Service Address

[email protected]


These Terms and Conditions work for the entrepreneur and the consumer as long as the period for the two parties to do business exists.

Before the entrepreneur concludes any contract, he must ensure a copy of the terms and conditions are made available and accessed by the user or consumer free of charge.

Whenever possible, the entrepreneur will make it clear to the user that the terms and conditioned shall be reviewed periodically during the time the contract binds. Incase that the contract is concluded electronically, then the terms and conditions of the contract shall then end together with the conclusion of the contract.

The Offer

In case the entrepreneur runs an offer of a product or service, this shall be stated clearly. The entrepreneur shall provide all the necessary information that can help the user make an informed decision.

A full description of the product or service shall be provided. In addition, the information on the offer shall be as detailed as possible and be made accessible to the user free of charge. The consumer shall have the right to make a wise decision based on the accurate information provided by the entrepreneur.

The Contract

The contract turns out to be valid when and only during a time when the seller or entrepreneur signs and send all the details of the contract to the user through viable communication means such as email.

Additionally, the contract will be valid the moment the user receives a detailed report from the entrepreneur and makes an informed choice.

In the event the user accepts the contract, signs, and sends it to the entrepreneur, the latter will be obliged to receive, sign, and sends a receipt back to the user as a token of appreciation that he has received a signed contract.

In case the user pays electronically, then he or she must know of the implications of doing so. Otherwise, most electronic transfer platforms are safe to use. Nonetheless, the user should exercise caution when doing so.

Before releasing the product or service to the user, the entrepreneur shall attach among other things, full information about the contract, the amount paid, the full names of the intended receiver of the product or service, and the physical location if any.

Right of Withdrawal

The user has the legal right to opt out of the contract not to buy a product or service. However, this should be done at least two weeks before the termination of the contract. Although the entrepreneur may want to know the reason for backing off, the entrepreneur will not at any given time force the user to reveal their reason for opting out.

However, it is not possible for the user or consumer to opt out of the contract if the entrepreneur has confirmed delivery of the product or service. it is even hard if the ordered item or service is on the way.

The user can and has the legal right to ask for a refund or a reshipment of the product 15 days upon confirmation that the product has been shipped within Europe or 21 days if the user is outside the European territory.

After shipping confirmation by the entrepreneur, it will be hard for the consumer to change or alter shipment address or location. The consumer will handle any expenses that may follow.

Consumer’s Obligations During Reflection Time

The consumer shall give the entrepreneur the right information during the time. When the shipment finally comes, the consumer shall only open after checking the package details. Upon ascertaining from the invoice that it is the right package, the consumer shall then proceed to open and confirm.

The user shall then handle the product with care. The consumer is not liable for any damage on the product during the shipment time.

Entrepreneur’s Obligation In the event Of a Withdrawal

If the entrepreneur decides to withdrawal and sends a formal notification electronically, he shall then inform the consumer as fast as possible. In such a situation, the entrepreneur shall repay back all the payments that the consumer had made for the product or services including taxes if any.

When reimbursing, the entrepreneur shall use the same payment method the consumer used. The only time the entrepreneur will alter the payment method is if the consumer agrees to change the mode.

However, if the consumer opts for a payment method that requires additional levies, the entrepreneur will not be obliged to meet the additional cost.

Exclusion Of the Right To Withdrawal

The entrepreneur has the legal right to exclude certain products and services from the consumer’s right of withdrawal but only if the entrepreneur does, so in writing at the early stage when the consumer is making the order.

Some of the products that you cannot opt out from after making payments include:

  • Products and services whose price fluctuates;
  • Products that have limited durability;
  • Perishable goods;
  • Products that irreversibly mix with other products;

Performance of an Existing Agreement & Extra Guarantee

The entrepreneur shall guarantee that the products and services ordered are genuine and that they comply and go in line with the existing contract. Further, the entrepreneur shall ensure that the chain of business involved in the business is genuine, safe and secure.

In case of a third party, the entrepreneur shall without fail inform and satisfy the consumer that the third party is genuine.

Exchange & Exchange Policy

We strive to deliver high-quality products. In the event you spot a defect, damage, or mistake on any of our products, take the needful steps before it is too late. Before you use the product, take a picture and sent it to us.

Return the product using the same address to:


Postbus 44

1398ZG Muiden

The Netherlands

We shall from there take the necessary steps to replace the product or reimburse for the damage or loss.