Make a delicious marijuana smoothie

Make a delicious marijuana smoothie

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Have you ever tried a marijuana smoothie? It is a very pleasant way to use marijuana in a different way than smoking it. And even if you are familiar with marijuana edibles, a smoothie is another fun new way to consume marijuana. In addition, you can add all sorts of healthy ingredients and fruits to the smoothie. So you also work on a healthy lifestyle and make a delicious marijuana smoothie. Are you ready for it? Grab your blender and get started!

How to make a marijuana smoothie

Stoners are not known for their healthy lifestyle. But you will change that from today! A regular smoothie is already very tasty, but adding cannabis makes it very special. You don’t even have to make such a super healthy green smoothie, but you can also use tropical fruit, strawberries or blueberries and add weed. A smoothie without THC or CBD is nice, but as a stoner you want to add your favorite plant to everything! Rightly so. Because adding marijuana to your food provides extra nutritional value. So you actually improve the smoothie. Only from a cannabis perspective!

Check this article and discover all sorts of fun, tasty and healthy smoothie ideas. So read on and make a delicious marijuana smoothie!

Marijuana in your smoothie


You don’t need much marijuana for a powerful smoothie. But how do you get the effective ingredients out of your marijuana and put it in your smoothie? This is possible by making cannabis milk. You dissolve the marijuana as it were in milk, which gives the milk the psychoactive properties. And then add this to your smoothie. You can also add a spoonful of cannabutter to your smoothie.

How do you make cannabis milk?

Grind a few grams of weed. Minimum 1 gram and maximum 4 gram. Heat a pan with milk to around 70 degrees (do not let it boil). Add a dash of whipped cream in the milk. Now add your crushed marijuana and heat everything at a low temperature for one hour. It is important that you do not let it get too hot, so do not let it boil, otherwise it will affect the THC content. After one hour the effective ingredients from the marijuana are absorbed into the milk. Sieve all the plant remains from the milk and let cool. When the milk has cooled completely you can add it to other dishes such as a delicious marijuana smoothie. Simple, right?

How do you make that delicious smoothie?

Making the smoothie is really very easy. The cannabis milk forms the basis. Put it in the blender. Add fruit to your own insight. You can add 1 type or a combination of different types of fruit. Use your creativity! Banana, blueberries and strawberries, for example, is a delicious combo. Do you like sweet? Then choose sweet fruit and add honey or a little vanilla sugar. And now: just blend! Put your device on the highest setting and blend everything for a minute or two. Pour your smoothie into a tall glass, garnish with some fruit and put a straw in it! Tadaa, that’s how you make your own delicious marijuana smoothie in no time. Enjoy!

Are you looking for a tasteful marijuana strain that you can add to all kinds of smoothies and edibles? Buy Mangolicious Auto-Fem seeds.

In the above process, we have learned how to make delightful marijuana smoothies using cannabis milk. However, did you know that you may go natural and opt for using raw cannabis to necessitate the process? Well, we also have a spoiler alert as of this moment. You won’t benefit from the stood-out effects of dried cannabis buds should you go the raw way.

Benefits of raw cannabis in making marijuana smoothies

Earlier pieces of research on raw cannabis show that it harbors a plethora of medical benefits. Even though not every other country in the world legalizes raw cannabis for either recreational or medical use, we are utterly confident that this research, coupled with several others on the way, will open everyone’s eyes to fathom that, indeed, the pot is the real deal for me and you.

Also, let’s not forget that when cannabis is raw, it is not decarboxylated. That said, the helpful phytocannabinoids are not activated; thus, THCA and CBDA don’t get activated into THC and CBD.

This is to say that you won’t benefit from the psychedelic high of cannabis when you take raw cannabis or use it to make marijuana smoothies.

So, how exactly will I benefit from raw cannabis in smoothies if I won’t get high?

  1. Research says that CBDA has anti-inflammatory and antiemetic properties, just like the worldwide recognized CBD. This is to say that should you use raw cannabis to make marijuana smoothies at home, you will also wade off your inflammatory pain points.
  2. THCA can protect the user from conditions such as insomnia, pain, and neuroprotective maladies. Also, parents with epileptic children have reported instances of feeling better when they take THCA-rich substances such as raw cannabis.
  3. Since THCA doesn’t get activated into THC in raw cannabis, it means that those who frequently attend drug tests have higher chances of passing drug tests than THC-rich marijuana consumers.
  4. The failure to heat cannabis means that the essential constituents such as Vitamin C and K, Calcium, Iron, and Folates get maintained. Decarboxylation inhibits the proper functioning of terpenes and cannabinoids, but the case is different from that of raw cannabis. It supports the functionality of all the natural chemical compounds of cannabis.

Make raw marijuana smoothies at home.

The process is actually easy, fast, and more straightforward than one would think of. However, you need to have the ideal necessities, if at all, you would like the process to be a breeze.

Nonetheless, consider following these hacks we have tested to ace the process well.

  • Wash all plant matter and tools before starting making raw cannabis smoothies at home
  • Blend the mixture of the cannabis matter instead of going the juicing way. Juicing is the surest way to losing most, if not all, the cannabinoids of cannabis.
  • Use fresh cannabis plant matter such as leaves, flowers, or buds. If you use dry ingredients, the highest chances are that the THCA and CBDA will probably have turned into THC and CBD.
  • Always use organic plant matter.
  • Use vegetable juice while blending the mixture to make the smoothie as tasty as possible.

The best cannabis recipes to try at home

1.      Green raw cannabis smoothies

This is the recipe for that enthusiast who wishes to go the freshest. The smoothie here is dense in nutrients and you will undeniably like its delicious nature.

What you need:

  • Pieces of spinach leaves
  • A cucumber (preferably a ½ piece)
  • ½ a piece of lemon
  • A Fuji apple
  • Ten enormous cannabis leaves
  • 5 Kale Leaves.


Blend all the ingredients. You now have your freshly home-made green raw cannabis smoothie. Enjoy to your fullest and probably invite someone over to fancy your skill with them.

2.      Bhang

No, we are not using Bhang as a slang of marijuana. Bhang in the cannabis smoothies context refers to a cannabis drink that can get eaten. It is most prevalent in India, and the recipe is quite easy to follow. However, the ingredients are more than those needed in making green raw cannabis smoothies.

What you need:

  • ¼ tablespoonful of ginger, garam masala, and fennel
  • ½ tablespoonful of rosewater, anise, honey/sugar, and cardamom
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 cups of lukewarm milk
  • Garnish mint leaves or rose petals
  • 14gms of raw cannabis.


  1. Subject your two cups of water to heat until it reaches the boiling point and removes it from heat. Steep the raw cannabis in hot water for like 7 minutes
  2. Strain the raw cannabis using a piece of cheesecloth and squeeze it to remove all the liquid. Collect that compressed liquid and leave it aside.
  3. Grind the raw cannabis using a pestle and mortar along with some milk. Keep adding some more milk and squeeze the flowers so that you use half a cup of milk and set that liquid apart.
  4. Add the garnished plant materials and grind them using more milk to obtain a fine paste. Collect the mixture and filter it to remove any residue.
  5. Thoroughly mix the remaining ingredients with the liquids and allow them to chill. That is all. Enjoy your Bhang.

    3. Banana Dream 

Live your dream with the famous Banana Dream raw cannabis smoothie. The nutrients are dense, and it is ideal for every other stoner out there to incorporate fantastic stuff in their diet.

What you need:

  • A large peeled and sliced ripe banana
  • ½ cup of peanut butter
  • ¼ cup of the chopped fresh cannabis
  • Four tbs of cocoa
  • 2.5 cups Almond milk.


  1. Mix the ingredients
  2. Blend them at a low setting and up it to have a delicious and smooth smoothie
  3. The banana adds a tropical taste to the smoothie. This is by far the tastiest raw cannabis smoothie you’ll ever enjoy.

The takeaway

Even though smoothies have been in existence for a couple of years, adding raw cannabis to a pothead’s favorable smoothie is undoubtedly the best way to have them enjoying their goodie to the latter. Follow the above processes and benefit from the distinct properties of raw cannabis over dry weed.

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